AIOU Result by Roll Number (2024) Matric, FA, BA, BS and MA
Allama Iqbal Open university (AIOU) released the results of Spring and Autumn semester of 2023 and all the students of AIOU can check it easily . If you are a Matric, BA, MA or Phd student of AIOU, you can check your AIOU result by roll number or registration number.
Enter your AIOU registration number and check result, you can also check your previous result and download your result card. Visit AIOU official website to check your result, then go to the Examination section and click on the results (web based). You can also check your results and grade on the CMS Portal.
AIOU issues a roll number and registration number to all students when they enrol for the first time. Keep in mind that you must remember your roll number or registration number when your result. Here is the full guide for you on how to check your AIOU result easily.
AIOU Result by Roll Number
Allama Iqbal Open University has announced results in December 2023. You can easily check your AIOU result by roll number. If you remember your AIOU roll number, just visit AIOU official website and check your result.
Visit AIOU website, then go to the examination section and click on the results (web based). Enter your AIOU roll number and submit. It will show your status, name, registration number and result etc.
If you facing problem to check your AIOU result by roll number or forgot your roll number, and worried about checking the result, first find your roll number. Don’t worry, it’s not a big problem. Just check your inbox text messages When you enrolled in AIOU for the first time, AIOU sent you a message of admission confirmation which included all the information; Name, registration number, roll number etc.
Check Your AIOU Result
AIOU Matric Result | Check |
AIOU FA Result | Check |
AIOU BA/BSC Result | Check |
AIOU BS Result | Check |
AIOU MA/MSC Result | Check |
AIOU B.ed Result | Check |
AIOU M.ed Result | Check |
AIOU Semester Wise Result
Each course of AIOU consists of semesters; spring and autumn. AIOU declares Spring semester results of Matric and FAin November while autumn semester results in May according to the AIOU academic calendar.
CMS Portal Result
AIOU CMS portal consists of the whole information of the students; student profile, academic record, course registration, exam & grades, tutor information etc. You can check your semester wise result on the CMS portal.
Furthermore, it announces BS, BA, B.ED and MA etc results in July and January respectively. Similarly, it announces M.phil and P.hd results in January and July. Check your semester wise result online through CMS Portal.
Visit AIOU official website and go to the examination section, then click on “results CMS”. Enter your User ID (i.e CA652244), password and then click on sign in. A page will open for you where you can check current and previous status. Click on Exam & Grades, and view your result.
In the CMS portal of AIOU, you can check your tutors information, financial account, payment history and much more. But remember that don’t forget your User ID and Password to login your CMS portal.
Check AIOU Assignments Marks
AIOU final result marks also consist of assignment marks. Assignment marks considered in the final result of each semester. If you want to check your assignments marks along with the whole marks, visit AIOU assignment marks page online. Select your program and submit, a new page will open. Enter your roll number here and submit, your assignment result will be shown.
AIOU Results (Matric to PHD)
Allama Iqbal Open University offers different types of academic programs from Matric to Phd along with many professional degrees. It separately conducts exams and announces results of each program. For example it announces matric results in December while BA results in January. It’s a very busy university and its activities continue the whole year.
How to Check AIOU Result?
Allama Iqbal Open University announces Matric and FA results probably in the same month. FA result oftenly declared after the Matric result announcement. Similarly it announces BA, BS, B.ed. MA, M.ed, M.phil and Phd results in different months. You can also check your AIOU result by roll number or registration no CMS portal.
Still if you can’t find your AIOU result by roll number or registration number, you can contact your AIOU regional office. You can ask them about your result, they will check and inform you. You can find out your AIOU regional contact number from google.
AIOU Result Card Download
Allama Iqbal Open University issues unofficial transcript/result cards after declaration of result. If you are a student of AIOU and want to download your result card, you can download it from the CMS portal in AIOU official website.
Mostly AIOU dispatches provisional result cards to all students. But if you don’t receive your result card, you can download from this way.
AIOU Previous Result
AIOU students probably forgot their result marks. When you apply for the AIOU degree, they will require you to provide each semester’s result. If you don’t remember your result marks, you can check it on AIOU official website.
Visit AIOU previous result history page, Select your Program/Level, enter your Roll Number and click to Show Result.
Now, we hope you can check your AIOU result by roll number or registration number, or by any other method which we explained in this article. AIOU is an open university that offers a wide range of academic programs from matric to Phd. Thousands of students are getting education from AIOU with their jobs and business.
To get information about AIOU result, enrollment, assignments, workshops, tutors etc, visit here (website name). We’re glad to assist you about any issue regarding AIOU Islamabad.
What is the passing marks for AIOU?
Passing marks for AIOU is 50% in the final exam along with 50% aggregate in assignment, quiz and attendance.
What is the AIOU grading policy?
Grading policy of AIOU: 80% and above A+ or A-1 Grade, 70% to 79% A Grade, 60% to 69% B Grade, 50% to 59% C Grade and 40% to 49% D Grade. Below 40% will be considered fail.
What is meant by fail in AIOU?
If you are Re-appear, then you will only give exams of that course code in the next semester but if you failed then you should send a new admission of that course code.
AIOU Contact Info
Address: Sector H-8, Islamabad
Phone: (051) 111-112-468
Email: [email protected]
AIOU helpdesk