AIOU Admission 2024: Latest Information of All Programs

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) Islamabad announced new admission for Matric, Inter, and BS programs, interested candidates can submit their AIOU admission application till 15 April 2024.

AIOU receives applications for Matric, FA,, BA, BS programs for semester Spring 2024. The deadline for Matric and inter programs is 20 March 2024 while in BA and BS programs, admissions are open till 15 April 2024.

For the spring semester 2024, AIOU announced admissions in January, covering various programs such as Matric, FA, BS,, M.phil, P.hd and other certificate programs. AIOU aspiring students can easily get admission online in any program which is offered by AIOU Islamabad.

AIOU admission

Are you curious about the admission process of AIOU and the available programs? Read for a comprehensive guide on how to apply for admission and an overview of different programs offered by AIOU.

AIOU Admission 2024

Allama Iqbal Open University is a renowned university offering a wide range of academic and professional certificate programs. It offers admission twice in a year for each program namely spring semester and autumn semester. 

Matric Click here
FA (General) Click here
I.Com Click here
BS Programs (4 Years)Click here
BSCClick here
ADSClick here
B.EDClick here
Associate Degree Click here
MA/MSCClick here
M.EDClick here
AIOU admission

Each semester of AIOU consists of 6 months but it takes more time for new registered students because of the admission confirmation process. Each semester includes assignments, workshops and final exams. Except, there are no workshops for matric and intermediate students.

How to Apply for AIOU Admission

Allama Iqbal Open University digitises their system from time to time. Now AIOU accepts online applications for admission, conducts online workshops, assignments etc. Now every student can apply online for any program offered by AIOU. 

Many students face difficulties when applying for AIOU online admission. If you also face the same situation, don’t worry, read the following instructions carefully and apply for your program.

Admission for Fresh Students

  • Visit AIOU official website
  • Navigate to the examination section.
  • Click on the application for new admission.
  • Enter your email or mobile number.
  • Set a password and create an account.
  • Verify your account from email or mobile number.
  • Enter your username and password and login.
  • Click on apply for new programs and choose category.
  • Enter your academic details and submit.

After selection of your program, click on open. Then enter your last degree detail in the admission form and click on save & completion. Now enter your personal and educational information, upload your picture and educational documents in photographs and documents, Select all and submit application.

AIOU  issued a complete procedure for online admission on its official website. Follow these instructions carefully and go on step by step. You can also contact your regional office for guidance.

Admission for Continue Students

AIOU continues students get enrolled through online CMS portal. Here is a simple procedure for enrollment. you should to follow the following steps for online enrollment on AIOU CMS portan.

  • Visit AIOU official website and navigate to the admission section.
  • Open enrollment (CMS), click on CMS for continuing students.
  • Open the course registration section.
  • Click on the search bar and select semester.
  • When you select the semester, click on add a new request.
  • Add your courses and click on the submit option. 
  • Now click on the print invoice and print your fee challan. 
  • Deposit  your fee in any bank which is mentioned by AIOU in the challan form.
  • Now you are enrolled in your next semester.

If you forgot your  username or password of the CMS portal, contact AIOU support disk to reset your username and password. You can also contact any AIOU regional office. 

Last Date for Admission

AIOU announced admissions for various degree and certificate programs for semester spring 2024. Aspiring students can apply online on Last date for Matric and inter programs is 20 March 2024 while the deadline for BA, BS, B.ed and other programs is 15 April 2024.

You are advised that don’t wait for the last date. Apply for admission before the deadline and confirm your admission on time. When you apply for admission, check updates from time to time about your status. When the admission process is completed, confirm your admission and go ahead.

Programs Offered by AIOU

AIOU offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs including Matric, Intermediate, I.Com, ADE, ADC, BA, BS, B.Com, BBA, B.ed, MA, MSC, M.ed, MS, ADP, MBA, M.phil Phd etc. AIOU is an open university and there is no age limit for admission in any program if you can fulfil other eligibility criteria. 

AIOU Admission for Matric and Intermediate

Allama Iqbal Open University announces admission for Matric, F.A and some other courses of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in February and March. Visit AIOU official website whether your desired program is offered or not. 

Admissions in the above programs are open in July, August and September in Autumn Semester. 

AIOU Admission for BA, BS, B.Ed, MA and Equivalent Programs

Allama Iqbal Open University announces admission for BA, BS, B.ed, MA and other equivalent programs in March and April. It is the second admission phase of the spring semester.

Furthermore, all the above programs and other equivalent programs are announced in September and October in the autumn semester each year. 

AIOU Admission for BS, MA/MSC, M.phil & Phd

AIOU offers M.phil and Phd admission in January, February and March each year, along with BS, MA/MSC and various other programs during the same months. For the autumn semester, admissions for these programs are available in July and August.

Most programs at AIOU are offered through distance learning, while many are conducted on campus. For face to face programs, physical presence at the Campus or in class is required.

Admission for Spring Semester 2024

AIOU announced new admission for spring semester 2024 for Matric, Intermediate, BA, BS, B.ed, M.phil and Phd. Advertisements for admission have been published by AIOU  in newspapers for new and old students. 

Now, AIOU receives admission applications for Matric, Intermediate, Dars e Nizami, BS, B.ed, MA, MSc and above programs. 

Admission for Autumn Semester 2024

Autumn semester will start from July 2024. AIOU will offer admissions for autumn semester in July 2024. The official advertisement will be published in July, August for Matric, Intermediate, BS, MA, MSc and M.phil Phd. Remaining programs will start in September, October and November. 

Remember, many postgraduates programs are not offered in the autumn semester, but they are offered in spring semester. Before admission, you should read the AIOU admission advertisement carefully. 


In the above article, we have provided detailed guidance about AIOU admission and hope you have gained an understanding of the AIOU admission proceess. AIOU caters to various learners  by providing distance learning and face to face programs. It gives opportunities to individuals of any age to enrol and continue their education.

The eligibility criteria for AIOU admission is simple. To enrol in a program, you need to have successfully completed your previous degree or certificate. Additionally, having your national ID card and other necessary documents is also essential. For any query, contact AIOU help disk.


What is the admission policy for AIOU?

AIOU operates on semester system and admits students in Autumn and Spring semesters. Undergraduate admissions are offered in both the semesters while postgraduates are offered once a year.

How can I confirm my admission in AIOU?

After two months of submitting the admission application form, visit AIOU official website and check your admission confirmation. If your admission is not confirmed, search your name in the objection section. 

How many semesters is a BS?

There are total of 8 semesters in normal B.S programs. In case of D Pharm and LLB, minimum duration for these are 10 to 14 semesters.

AIOU Contact Info

Address: Sector H-8, Islamabad

Phone: (051) 111-112-468

Email: [email protected]

AIOU helpdesk

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